A to Z Digital Marketing Guide

Estimated Reading Time: 24 minute(s)

Digital marketing is a marketing concept that is based on the digital or online marketing world with the help of electronic devices including computers, mobile phones, and tablets to promote various products or services on different platforms.  

Right now every business has a website and wants to appear online to reach more audiences online. 

According to pewresearch, 85% of Americans go online on a daily basis and 31% mostly live on various online platforms.  

The purpose of going digital for various reasons for the brand can be to create awareness, sales, leads, get traffic to the website, etc. and for individuals maybe that can be a different scenario. 

Therefore, whatever the reason, every brand wants to connect with the people every time. Let’s get a deep understanding of AtZ digital marketing from this article. 

What is Digital Marketing? 

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is the process of connecting and promoting various products and services via using digital marketing channels. There are multiple digital marketing channels such as SEO, PPC ads, Content marketing, email marketing, social media, etc. 

For various purposes, companies or organizations do digital marketing but most of them want to build a brand identity. By building the awareness and visibility of the company product or service wanted to achieve the ultimate goal of sales. 

According to PHILLIP KOTLER, Digital marketing primarily promotes brand visibility and awareness and grows sales, but can be used for multiple purposes through numerous online marketing techniques. marketing online.

History of Digital Marketing Timeline

History of Digital Marketing Timeline

What Does Digital Marketing Do? 

The main focus of digital marketing is to promote the brand’s product or service to the targeted customer via using the online internet to build strong communication. The ultimate goal of doing all these things is to increase the sales of the brand product or service. 

Without sales, the goods of any particular company will not solve the problem or won’t have any benefits of that. 

Because the only thing the brand cares about is the sale. Apart from that, yes! A brand wants visibility and engagement with its customers.   

Why is Digital Marketing Important? 

Digital marketing is important because it creates a strong relationship with a business to their customers and that happens when targeted customers are in the online world. 

Businesses attempt to connect with the ideal customer by using SEO, PPC and social media marketing, website content marketing & email marketing.   

5 Reasons Why Digital Marketing Is Important

More than 4.8 billion people are using the internet on average 7 hours a day.

5 Reasons Why Digital Marketing Is Important

From that perspective, we can’t deny the fact that the internet is something that is booming day by day. 

Every single business has to be connected if you want to expand your business to the next level. You have to resonate with the opportunity of the internet. 

However, do not just show ads for your products or services, try to community, and interact with your customers by doing content marketing and needing information about your customers.  

Ok, let’s talk about the 5 reasons why digital marketing is important: 

1. Building The Brand Visibility 

Every industry is utilizing various methods to grab customer attention via digital marketing. 

Nowadays, online marketing is highly competitive and over-saturated.  

It isn’t about how you yell louder on online marketing to notice by the customer’s eyes. 

Sometimes, most of them make big mistakes by spending a huge amount of money on ads just to catch the attention of the audience.   

Yes! Sometimes it works. But the reason isn’t you spending too much money.    

One of the best ways to create the band visibility is to understand the problem of the audience. Once your brand finds out the issue and talks about it then definitely the mess level will be connected with your brand. 

One of the key points to thrive in brand visibility isn’t trying to sell products or services, but rather giving the information and communicating with the audience with the mindset to resolve their problem. 

Via using this you not only build the brand identity but also get a huge audience who are now trusting your brand compared to other brands. 

2. Be on Relevant 

Digital marketing can have a number of motives and intentions can be different from one another. 

For some of them, it is a chance to increase the sales, others can build awareness and establish credibility to their brand in the online realm. 

However, in the digital marketing world finesse will be the key to implementing your tractis. 

You can not bludgeon customers to buy the product or service. They have to come willingly and have faith in purchasing your product or service. 

For that purpose, you have built an empire of your audiences. So how can I do that? 

The answer is very simple content marketing.  

Every marketing and company CEO agreed that content is the king.  

Whatever we do we do around content. 

Just find out a pain point of the customers which has to be relevant to your brand. 

Then just do the simple task of creating every detail and little to big problem topic content around it. 

When people need any of the question answers around your industry topic, they have to go to your website, Youtube channel or Podcast etc to clear their mind.

Information can be a big weapon for any of the brands to stay relevant and build a solid empire.  

3. Grab The Targeted Customer 

The ability to target the most relevant audience for a product or service is one of the reasons to do digital marketing. 

Grab The Targeted Customer

Through digital marketing, you are able to know their likes and dislikes about your brand. 

Moreover, you will get a broad feasible idea towards audience interest about your product or service.   

You can do plenty of A/B testing to deep drive your audience’s interest and what will be the purchasing behavior. 

For example, you set 4 ads and try to know what types of informational ads work best. Under the basis of that you can take a best decision then you may run a particular ad for multiple time.  

However, traditional marketing may be able to create a certain level of interaction towards your brand ads but it wouldn’t give the exact data. 

In the 21st century data is the key to identifying the customer behavior pattern, engagement, interest, feasible time to purchase product or service and many more things you can understand because of digital marketing. 

4. Cost Effective 

In traditional marketing they spend a huge amount of money just to create a strong awareness and engagement for their brand. 

Sometimes it works on a massive level, sometimes it goes down under water. 

Traditionally both things can happen, it has a 50% – 50% chance either way. 

However, in digital marketing the ratio comes down 90% and 10%. The higher possibility is that you can get the best result with 90% chance. And more than that, it will not cost that much what you spend on traditional marketing. 

When it comes to digital marketing, there are multiple ways you can do marketing and which will not cost that much money. 

For example: Do content marketing for your website, Video Content marketing, Podcast ( audio content ) those are the long term benefits work once you do it after a certain later you see the big impact. 

Moreover, if your brand needs to see the immediate action with a minimum budget, you can choose the Google Ads, Social Media Ads, PPC Ads. if you can create proper Paid marketing strategy definitely from that campinge can massive amount of revenue.  

One single traditional marketing campaign money can do multiple campaigns set in digital marketing. For that just need to have a perfect marketing research strategy to target the exact customers. 

5. High Conversion Rate 

You believe or not from digital marketing strategy definitely can generate a huge amount of revenue. 

The ROI is always right compared to any marketing strategy. 

When you target some relevant customers in your products or services the feasibility is that you can generate more revenue. 

So, the question is how can you do that? 

Certainly you can do that in Digital marketing method, not in traditional marketing methods. 

Once you drive a mess level of traffic to your website then you can separate customers into different layers. 

From there on you run Google, Facebook, Instagram and PPC Ads to see your product or service multiple times so that you feel interest and urge to purchase the product or service. 

There are Numbers systems by which you can use digital marketing methods to increase your high conversion rate. 

How Do Digital Campaigns Work? 

How Do Digital Campaigns work?

1. Setting Up Your Goals 

Before doing any of the marketing campaigns, the first and foremost work needed to do is to set up a perfect goal. 

Without determining your campaign goal you cannot do a better strategy. 

For example, if you want to thrive, sign up for a meal delivery service then you give discounts and social ads so that you can collect more new members.  

However, in this case, if you write a blog post on your website that will not or won’t meet your goal, what you have expected. 

Some of questions need to be asked before setting a goal: 

  • What is the main goal of your organization? 
  • How digital marketing campaigns will help to meet your perfect goal?
  • What will be the outcome of this goal? 

Without asking these questions you won’t get the key ideas of your digital marketing campaign goal. 

2. Fix Your Targeted Audience and Budget 

It is important for digital marketers to understand and identify exactly targeted and relevant customers for your product or service. 

Figuring out the most useful platform where potential customers live on and you can promote your very product or service there. 

For example, if your targeted audience is teenage or 14 to 26 years age people then you should focus on the Instagram platform. 

With that, your product is related to that as well, don’t miss understanding your product and customers interest. 

Another fact is that the platform marketing budget doesn’t need that much. You can promote your brand, product, or service easily. 

3. Define Your KPI 

Key indicator performance is a way to validate your campaign’s success.

It is the system by which you can measure not only your success progress but also your failure.

For Example, if you set up a digital marketing campaign for brand awareness, engagement, impression then driving relevant traffic to the website or social media post will be KPI. 

In addition, if your target is to sell a product or service then revenue will be the KPI.

4. Launch And Monitor

Is your marketing strategy good or bad? The only way to know it is by implementing it.

Launch And Monitor

So, launch it and start monitoring it. 

  • What you should monitor? 
  • As you have set up all the plans or strategies, is it working? 
  • Do people engage with your content? 
  • Does content message reach people properly? 
  • What is the KPI of this content? 

5. Review  

Now it is time to review the whole digital marketing campaign. 

Try to find out where and at which stage it performs well if it works according to the plan. 

If your plan and execution doesn’t match what you have then you have do 2 things:

  1. To clarify the idea of what you have planned, do lunch some more campaigns to see the clear picture. 
  2. You can replant the whole process again what you have seen from your previous campaign. 

So, now after doing the review, now it is time to thrive on your work. 

6. Work for Improvement 

Every digital marketing campaign one after another has improvement options. 

Note down the excellent work and also find out the gaps where you think you should fill it by doing some changes. 

Then, from the next digital marketing campaign changes those things and implements the content. 

In digital marketing campaigns there are always the options of improvement. No digital experts can deny this fact. 

B2B vs B2C in Digital Marketing 

B2B refers to businesses that are intended to give services to other businesses.

B2B vs B2C in Digital Marketing

Some of them are including manufacturing equipment, software, IT, cleaning, and repairing services.

B2C refers to businesses that are intended to focus on every individual customer’s interest, and need to purchase a certain product or service.      

What Is The Difference Between B2B VS B2C Marketing?  

B2B ( Business to Business) B2C ( Business to Customer) 
B2B marketing focuses on Lead generation, educating prospects, maintaining relationships and cultivation.  B2C Marketing focuses on Brand awareness, audience interest, need etc. 
The Targeted audience of B2B marketing is Corporate/ committee. B2C marketing targeted customers are every individual and the end users. 
B2B marketing customers are less targeted and specific. B2C marketing targets customers with a good number and deep down specific audience.  
B2B marketing sales numbers are not big but the revenue and profit margin is pretty good.  In  B2C marketing sales numbers are much higher but revenue and profit margin are not so high.  
In B2B marketing customers are more intended to grab the attention to sales by using a sales funnel and in a logical manner. In B2C marketing customers are more likely to take a buying decision emotionally or trigger an emotional point. 
B2B marketing brands are more focused on positioning.  B2B marketing brand intention is to deliver more about messaging.  

What Are The Different Types of Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing can be broken down into 8 different categories including Search Engine Optimisation, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Pay-Per-Click, Mobile Marketing, Affiliate Marketing & Marketing Analytical Analysis.  

What Are The Different Types of Digital Marketing?

Here is the list of Types of Digital Marketing Work I am talking About: 

  • SEO ( Search Engine Optimisation) 
  • CM ( Content Marketing) 
  • Email Marketing 
  • SMM ( Social Media Marketing) 
  • Pay-Per-Click 
  • Mobile Marketing 
  • Affiliate Marketing 
  • Marketing Analytical Analysis 

So, let’s start a brief idea of different sorts of digital marketing: 

1. Search Engine Optimization 

Search engine optimization is a way of increasing the quality and quantity of the website page or website organic visitors/ traffic from search engines.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO works in an unpaid method to target unpaid traffic compared to direct or paid traffic. 

It takes time to rank on search engines any of the content blog posts, how-to -videos, and other instructional materials.

However, it will stay longer period of time once it rank on the search engine result page. if the content is good and able to solve the issue of the audience problem content will be there on first page. 

For website, you need to do 3 types of SEO: 

  1. On-Page SEO
  2. Off-Page SEO 
  3. Technical SEO 

If you can figure out those three parts then 95% sure your most of the content will rank on the search engine. 

Apart from that, SEO is a continuous process, it won’t work like you do everything right in one time and never touch it.

So, you have to be conscious and need to update your content on a regular basis. In addition, work on off-page SEO regularly & if you see any problem in technical SEO then need to solve it in quick feasible time. 

You can maximize your revenue and traffic in an organic way without too much money just doing SEO. So, try to understand the potential of SEO work. 

2. Content Marketing 

Content marketing is the process of marketing focusing on planning, creating, editing, publishing, and sharing on various platforms including websites, blogs, podcasts, social media, guest posting, apps, and many more. 

Content Marketing

The purpose of content marketing is to reach the targeted audience to thrive brand awareness, leads, and generate sales. 

Why is Content Marketing Important? 

The main reason why content marketing is important is that it gives a solid audience problem solution and establishes brand trust, improves the connection with the audience, thirvie more leads and sales at least. 

In today’s world content marketing is the prominent step of digital marketing work as it builds a strong brand identity and drives more targeted organic traffic without spending too much cost.    

How to Make A Content Marketing Strategy? 

3. Email Marketing 

Email marketing is a direct marketing method and powerful marketing channel by which email-listed subscribers become aware of your product or services from time to time. 

Email Marketing

In addition, via using email you can try to convince the email list people to take any of the actions including signing up, downloading books, joining the webinar, or purchasing any of the products or services.    

Day by day email marketing has become more popular as it is a personalised digital marketing method. There are 4.3 billion users worldwide in email and it is continuously rising every year. 

There are multiple ways you can do email marketing and there are plenty of tools available in marketing to make life more easier.   

So, let’s how to do email marketing: 

How to use email marketing for free with Mailcheap: 

4. Social Media Marketing 

Social media marketing is a form of digital marketing where users utilize various platforms for different motives. 

Social Media Marketing

The company uses social media to build connections with its audience by sharing various information, publishing helpful content and communicating with them. 

The purpose of the brand’s doing that is to drive more traffic to the website, and generate leads, and sales to generate better conversion. 

5 Pillar of Social Media Marketing 

To use social media marketing you have to make a certain plan or process by which you build a strong connection with your audiences so that they believe in and emotionally engage with your brand.  

Here is the 5 core pillars of social media marketing: 

  1. Strategy 
  2. Planning and Publishing 
  3. Listing to the audiences and building strong engagement 
  4. Analysis of the performance and sorting out all the reports
  5. Do Targeted Advertising  

5. Pay-Per-Click 

Pay-per-click is a digital marketing advertising model where an advertiser pays some amount to the publisher each time when an advertisement link is “clicked” on. 


On the other hand, PPC is also known as the Cost-per-Click ( CPC) model. 

The primary is the Pay-Per-Click model used in search engines ( Google, Bing) and social media ( Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc) advertising.      

Types of Pay-Per-Click Models

Mainly there are 6 types of PPC models have and those are: 

  1. Paid Search Marketing
  2. Display Advertising
  3. Social Media Advertising
  4. Retargeting PPC advertising
    1. Display Advertising 
    2. Display Advertising 
    3. Social Media Advertising 
    4. Email Marketing
  5. Price Comparison Website Advertising
  6. Affiliate Marketing

PPC ads come up with different shapes and sizes. Those can be made up for video, images, text or combination of all. Those ads can appear on a website, search engine result page top side, social media platforms and so on. 

6. Mobile Marketing 

Mobile marketing is a digital marketing strategy to do advertising to promote a product or service intended for the targeted customer via using smartphones, tablets, mobile devices, SMS, Apps, websites, email, social media, and MMS when you are connected to the internet.

Mobile Marketing

Most of the advertising shows according to the location, interest and you need.    

For mobile marketing, you can do various strategies to show ads to your targeted audiences. 

13 Types of Mobile Marketing

  1. Mobile Search Advertising 
  2. Mobile applications
  3. SMS (short message service)
  4. MMS (multimedia message service)
  5. Mobile Banner Advertisements
  6. Mobile Wallet
  7. Location-based
  8. Near Field Communication (NFC)
  9. Voice Marketing
  10. QR Codes (quick-response barcode)
  11. Bluetooth or Proximity Marketing
  12. Pay Per Call
  13. In-game     

7. Affiliate Marketing 

Affiliate marketing is a process to earn a commission by promoting a service or product online working as a publisher for another advertiser using a unique affiliate link. 

Affiliate Marketing

When someone buys from that link to click then the publisher gets some reward because of the result. 

There are 3 types of affiliate marketing by which publishers can make some money. Those are: 

1. Unattracted Affiliate Marketing 

The publisher promotes any product or service via a pay-per-click campaign with Google, Facebook, or other ads campaigns. They don’t have any authority over websites where people read content and then convert to a sales page. 

On the other hand, they take promotional links and use it on the various advertising campaigns from their audience drive to the page and when they purchase something then the publisher gets a commission. 

Those who are doing unattracted affiliate marketing, they are mostly afraid of taking time to generate sales and get a commission out of it. 

Let’s think you have a website about digital marketing-related websites and you have plenty of audiences who trust your words. 

As a matter of fact, if you promote any of the products on your website sidebar or header people like to click on it and buy some products as well.  

Though, thes products you are promoting do not directly benefit them. Moreover, the publisher has not used this product or service.  And that is related to affiliate marketing.  

3. Involved Affiliate Marketing 

You may get the point right now from the word “involved“. 

In involved marketing every publisher used it or used the product or service which they now are promoting on their Website, YouTube channel or procast. 

Publishers are highly involved with the product or service in regular or professional life.  

From 3 of the affiliate marketing number 3 sales most. 

Because publishers build a strong relationship with their audience so that the audience believes his/her words as they know he will show or try to sell irrelevant products/ services to them. 

So, most of the time involved marketing sales a good number compare to other affiliate marketing 

8. Marketing Analytical Analysis 

Marketing analytical analysis is the practical process of collecting data from consumers to evaluate performance to do better marketing.

Marketing Analytical Analysis

Marketing analysis helps to go deep into the consumers’ insides to optimize marketing objects and strategies in a better way. 

Marketing analytical aids to retract customers who are willing to purchase but somehow they forget about it.

In addition, marketing analytics provides an excellent visual picture by which You can make better decisions to drive your business ROI. 

You can not take a perfect marketing strategy until you see the marketing analytical analysis.

From marketing analytics, you can categorise your audience which will be the best for your business and after that you also can target the same age, demographic, and interested people to purchase your product or service.   

In digital marketing, you have to learn marketing analytical skills if you want to increase your business to the next level. 

Get a more detailed idea of different types of digital marketing to enrich your knowledge.

What Are the Benefits of Digital Marketing?  

Without digital marketing right now you will lose a good chunk of customers. The world is shifting towards digital marketing. 

If you e-commerce a business you will not be able to think of digital marketing. 

The reason behind is, “ you have to do digital marketing as this marketing method ensures your sales improvement”. 

Therefore, let’s talk about the best benefits of digital marketing:      

5 Top Advantages of Digital Marketing 

Top Advantages of Digital Marketing

1. Reach to The Global Audience 

In traditional Marketing, you will not get to reach a global audience easily. For that, you have to follow plenty of procedures. 

However, if you go online marketing to catch the global audience then you just run ads or multiple ads that will do it in a minute. 

However, if your product is physical there will be some ifs and buts but other than that there will be no problem at all. 

If you want a strong global audience you can do content marketing in your website, product or your YouTube channel ect platform. You can build a strong relationship via using this platform. 

2. Cost Effective 

Another big advance to digital marketing is cost-effective. 

For example, if you want to run ads on television or radio then you have to pay a lot and small-budget companies will not think about the ads. 

However, if you want to run ads on Google ads, Facebook, Instagram, Bing or other platforms you just need 5$ to start with sometimes less than this. 

With a small amount of money, you can reach a high number of people within a limited time frame.  

Small to big companies run ads on those platforms without any interruptions. 

3. Targeted Audience  

Another and most effective digital marketing is to target a big to thin specified audience according to your needs. 

Even if you don’t have any previous audience then you can do a research according to your needs and perspective to find out your targeted audience. 

In digital marketing, you can track each and every one without doing any additional work as well. 

4. Easy to Learn 

It is true that it is easy to learn digital marketing whatever you need if you start from the beginning. However, the deeper you go deeper the more complex things will come out. 

Though, you can target things in digital marketing according to your business needs and wants. In addition, you don’t need to rush into learning. 

You take time as digital marketing is all about practical experience and all the knowledge comes from real work.     

5. Make Multiple Strategies 

In digital marketing, all business strategies will not be the same. It will differ from business to business, business to customer. 

For example, if your product is data management software then your treated customer will be a corporate, bank, big to mid-level company which is called B2B marketing. 

And for that, you have made a digital marketing strategy in a different way compared to B2C marketing.  

Even in B2B marketing you can make other separate strategies for industry to industry or company to company. 

So, in digital marketing, you can break down your digital marketing strategies from level to level and test them out with a limited budget.     

Best Digital Marketing Books to Read? 

Best Digital Marketing Books to Read?
Book Name Author Published DateBuy Link
TractionGabriel Weinberg & Justin MaresAugust 24, 2014
Building A Story BrandDonald MillerOctober 10, 2017
Contagious Why Things Catch onJonah BergerMarch 5, 2013
The 22 Immutable Laws of MarketingAl Ries, Jack Trout1993
This Is Marketing Seth GodinNovember 13, 2018
They Ask You AnswerMarcus SheridanDecember 29, 2016
InfluenceRobert Cialdini1984
The Language of TrustMichael MaslanskyMay 2010
FrictionRoger DooleyMay 9, 2019
Hacking Growth Sean Ellis, Morgan BrownApril 18, 2017

How to Learn Digital Marketing? 

At last, digital marketing is becoming a prominent thing for every business and everyone is now realizing the importance of it. If you are not aware of digital marketing then you should have some knowledge about it before starting your business. I hope after reading this article you can get a clear picture of digital marketing and answer questions regarding digital marketing. 


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