How Do Businesses Use Social Media for Marketing with 4 Pillars And What Are The Benefits of It

Estimated Reading Time: 16 minute(s)

Social media marketing is a process through which you can be empowered to promote your websites, products, or sometimes your own self. 

Through online channels (social) in terms of communication is the best option to get known along with our products and services is an advertising channel with a larger community.

Choosing any social media according to your audience preference is easy but the question “how do businesses use social media for marketing”? And that we will make decisions in this article. Let’s Start: 

What is Social Media Marketing?

What is social media marketing

Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms to be connected with the audience to boost up respective brands, in order to increase sales, and drive website traffic. This is a platform publishing great content on social media profiles, listening to and engaging the followers and running social media advertisements.

The major social media platforms at present that are delightful are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and Snapchat. They help businesses to get the most out of the social media platforms listed above. 

The Main Four Pillars of Social Media Marketing Guide You How Do Businesses Use Social Media for Marketing 

It is tough to break down social media marketing as every platform is different from one another. 

Every single platform works separately and their audience categories are not the same like LinkedIn for Professional, Instagram for – Young people, Facebook – mostly mixed but old people. 

However, You can draw a single by using these four pillar methods of social media marketing. Maybe there are different types of social media marketing but these 4 will give you a complete guideline.

1. Research & Strategy

Before we publish something on social media, the first question that comes to everyone’s mind is “what is the key to making a great social media marketing strategy a success”. 

According to that Connecting with the research part. 

But before the strategy comes first the research part. 

So, for that now we need to define some of the questions answers so that we visualize the perfect audiences who they are in reality?

  • What are you aiming to gain via social media marketing? 
  • Who are your proper targeted audience? 
  • Which platform are your potential audiences hanging out? 
  • What types of massaging will you send to the audience? 

One of the keys to understanding is to find out what one or two platforms are the best for your marketing. 

Research and strategy for social media

You can’t work on every single social media platform at the beginning of your business. 

All the platforms are not the best choice for your business to seek your audience. 

We have to notice how social media can help us in achieving business goals. 

Some businesses use social media in terms of increasing their brand awareness, others use it for sales only.

Social media marketing can also help in generating engagement around your brand, building a community, and serve a support channel for the customers.

The main social media platforms are Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and Snapchat and some others at present. 

There are also some other smaller platforms, such as Tumblr, Tik Tok, Linkedin and many more and social messaging platforms like Messenger, WhatsApp, Viber and WeChat. 

For the strategy, you need to drag a line from where you will start first. Here is a short idea: 

  1. Analysis your competitor 
  2. Choosing the one or two platform for your building brand 
  3. What Types of posts you should post, when and where? 
  4. What types of content will go regularly ( image, text, infographic, memes, video, podcast, website links or something else)   

2. Planning & Publishing 

In the Social media marketing planning process this is key to commerce. 

Better planning and a good social media marketing presence ensure sustainability for your business.  

Make a calendar for your posting time and types after analysing the audience timing by seeing the data. 

For the first few months, you can try various types of content. After that, you can choose some of the distinct post types according to the audience interest. 

Planning and publishing for social media

Planning should be in a detailed format so that anyone understating other than you to execute the planning properly. 

After the planning part now comes the publishing and executing.   

Social media marketing usually starts with a consistent presence of an audience. 

Most of the content will be interesting and information or audience liking posts. Don’t try to manipulate buying products for the first time. 

Yes! You can showcase your products there so that if they are interested they can buy. 

However, you can refer to your product through the content in an indirect way and that will be a win-win situation. 

After being in a good position and proper understanding of your audience you can share your product or service, selling course etc.  

While they get to know about our products and share among others if they are interested and willing to buy.

Publishing to social media is simple and easy like the way we post an image or a video on a social media platform.

The difference is only that we need to plan the content ahead of time and execute it in a competitive manner. 

3. Relevance and Engaging Content 

You need to publish content that is relevant to your audience and engage every single time.  

Unnecessary posts will not fulfil your content marketing strategy properly. For Example: 

We give digital marketing services to our clients. So, who are my clients? Mostly B2B business related people. 

What types of posts will be best for my service, likewise, it can be various:

Relevance social media content
  • case studies 
  • how to get traffic 
  • how to do SEO
  • what is the best time to post online
  • share information through infographics 
  • Latest digital marketing updates and 
  • Attending various types digital marketing event row images 
  • share memes which are funny related to digital marketing
  • And many more types. 

I can do some experiments which work better and according to that, I can more those types of posts. 

Do not force your audience to buy some time. They will knock you because of the good content structure that you share. 

Always, try to give a thoughtful, engaging, educational, informative or funny post but have to maintain relevance with your goal or niche.       

4. Advertising 

When we have more funds to grow our social media marketing, a part of it can be considered as social media advertising. 

Social media marketing allows customers to reach a wider audience.

Social media platforms in terms of advertisements are so powerful nowadays to get the potential audience related to your work field under the limited cost. 

Some of the platforms are not giving organic reach rather do advertising. 

Social media Advertising

And because of the vast audience, every business likes to use the stay of the platform and the example can be Facebook. 

With the limited budget and for a massive audience most of the businesses like to conduct on theirs. 

Facebook ads can be a solid way to drive traffic or get more engagement on your post to create the branding of your business.  

Almost all social media take a little bit less advertising cost from search engine ads. And all the platforms Facebook and Instagram ads take less amount of money than others. 

However, it depends on what type of customers or audience you are searching for.

 If you are searching for B2B marketing people then you need to go to LinkedIn without any doubt. Moreover, if you are searching for teenagers then you should go to Instagram, TikTok.  

So, when do you show your ads depending on the need for targeted audiences? 

How to Build a Social Media Presence for Your Business?

How to build a social media presence

Social Media is not as straightforward as it was before. To figure out the perfect content strategy, analysis paralysis has been a serious problem for marketers nowadays.

That is why it is a good idea to put together a comprehensive guide in order to create a social media marketing plan from scratch.

Below are mentioned, step-by-step social media marketing guide to help in identifying individuals goals for social media marketing, engage audiences, and optimize results:

  1. Set meaningful goals for social media marketing 
  2. Look for targeted audience 
  3. Establish the most important metrics 
  4. Analyze the competition around 
  5. Create engaging content 
  6. Make timeliness as a top priority 
  7. Assess results and optimize

1. Set Meaningful Goals for Social Media Marketing

First of all, all we need most is to figure out what we actually want out of social media. Coming up with a social media plan does mean having a game in mind.

Out of everything, what matters is that a marketer sets realistic social media goals.

Meaning and goals for social media

Experts recommend tackling smaller objectives that are easier to allow marketers to scale their social efforts in a way that is beneficial in fact of both reasonable and affordable.

Here are some goals mentioned below that businesses of all sizes can divide.      

Increase Brand Awareness

To create authentic brand awareness, marketers should avoid publishing promotional messages. Instead of publishing various promotions, marketers need to focus on content that emphasizes their personality and values first.

Generate Sales

Whether the sales are online or in any store, followers are not going to make social purchases by accident. 

Growing up Brand’s Audience

Bringing new followers means finding ways to introduce marketers’ brands to folks who have not yet heard of them before. Growing an audience does mean creating conversations around the business that matter the most. Through some more efficient social media targeting, it is easier to reach their core audience faster.

Increase Community Engagement

 Find ways to grab the attention of the existing followers you already have. For example, something as simple as asking a question can increase the engagement rate. Your customers can be the best cheerleaders out of all. Only if marketers are giving them the opportunity to do something.

2. Look for Targeted Audience

Target audience of social media

Making assumptions/predictions is a dangerous game for marketers. So much of what needs to know about their audience to influence their social media marketing strategy is already out wide open.

Here are some key points:

  • Facebook and YouTube are both top fundamental places for advertisements in part to their high-earning user bases till now. 
  • The majority of Instagram’s are millennials, eye-popping content that shows up with the personality.

3. Establish the Most Important Metrics

Establish the most important metrics

No matter what a marketer sells, the social media strategy should be data-driven accordingly. That means focusing on the social media metrics that really matter.

Metrics marketers should keep an eye on the following:

Reach: Post reach is the number of unique ‘users’ who have seen the post. It is to determine how far the content has spread across social media.

Clicks: This is to determine the number of clicks on content, company name, or logo. Link clicks are for understanding how users get through the marketing funnel. 

Engagement: For engagement, it is about seeing who interacted. Apart from this, to calculate if it was a good ratio out of the total reach or not.

4. Analyze the Competition Around

Analyze the competition around

Before a marketer starts creating their own content, they should have an idea of what their competitors are up to. Looking at your competition’s social channels will intend to inform a marketer’s social media promotion strategy. 

How to spot your social competitors?

The simplest and best way to find a competitor is through a ‘Google search. Look up your valuable keywords, phrases, and industry terms that would help to see which group shows up.

For example, if anyone sold toys, “handmade toys for babies” would be a keyword that is enough to investigate. This will show how many others are working on publishing the same. 

5. Create Engaging Content

Social media marketing strategy is indeed centred around the content. At this point, a marketer should have a good idea of what to publish based on their goal and brand. What does engaging social content look like and how to make it happen? The principles below can be a great help.

Create engaging content
Small Business Website Checklist Before Launch 2021

Sticking to Content Themes 

One of the toughest challenges among all is visual content is creating it on a daily basis. According to data, 1/3 of the marketers struggle with creating compelling visuals.

This points to how important highly-visual content is to marketers and the viewers they want to reach. For this reason, building content themes is a great approach to sectioning out your content.

Instagram is one of the best channels (which is arguable) for content themes, as we know that it is totally visual. For example, the Instagram feed is consistent, colourful with various images, and aesthetically pleasing with the design.

UGC and Interactive Content 

User-generated content allows the followers/consumers to serve as billboards and provides an incentive for them to interact with the marketers. To encourage customer content would be a smart move for boosting marketers’ engagement rate, Whether it is using posting a photo or through anything else.

Video as the Centerpiece of your Social Media Marketing Strategy

The revolution of social video is not stopping anytime soon. Both forms, long and short productions continue to dominate the social space across all other platforms.

6. Make Timeliness as a Top Priority

Timelines for social media

Timeliness is a two-way street. You can’t always expect customers to operate on “your time.” Likewise, it’s crucial to be able to reach and respond to followers in a timely manner.

Post at the Best Times to Engage 

Marketers should try to ensure their social media managers are available and ready to answer any questions regarding any products.

Before publishing any products, marketers should have the ability to answer any queries asked by the consumers and that should be as early as possible.

Respond to your Customer Questions ASAP

Not only do customers expect quick responses from brands but also some meaningful conversations on a regular basis as mentioned earlier. A brand must not forget these core elements of networking.

Communications and fulfilling questions in time are a source of gaining customers’ trust to some point. 

Through social media, it is a chance to gain respect as a brand only by being present and talking to their audience. It is all about engagement and connection.

7. Assess Results and Optimize

Assess results and optimize

By now, we already have an idea about social media strategy. However, it is important to be able to adapt a strategy as you progress throughout the year. Having a bird’s eye view of social media activity indeed helps put things into many perspectives. This means looking at the top-performing content.

Best Social Media Marketing Resources to Get Ideas and Build Your Brand Authenticity 

Best social media marketing resources
Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is always changing day by day. There are a few resources to get you started. They are:

1. Social Media Marketing Blog

Well, known social media marketing blog covers some recent social media strategies and tools for platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and many more.

2. Social Media Marketing Guide 

A guide to creating a social media marketing plan, for those brand new to social media who are looking for a straightforward way to start their business.

3. Social Media Listening and Engagement Guide 

Why do we think social media listening and engagement is so important? This is a process of how we can overcome the challenges of developing a successful strategy.

4. Social Media Advertising Guide

There is indeed so much to learn with social media advertising. It is quite difficult to know where exactly to get started. This is the point where marketers need to know about advertising on social media.

5 Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Benefits of social media marketing
Landing Page Copywriting in 2021 Guidelines (Benefits)

Social media marketing allows and promotes immediate interaction and customer feedback. Businesses can also respond to their customers immediately via moderators. Social media actually requires both creativity and a strategy of maintenance.

The Main 6 benefits that would help to grow the business via social media marketing is discussed below:

1. Create Brand Recognition

Brand recognition or a known image of a brand is one of any business’ most important goals. That is because consumers want to buy products from the brands they have known or got good reviews. Social media is such a big platform that makes it more easy and effective to build a brand building.

Social media is beneficial because it can directly get your brand in front of an audience much more quickly and easily. Furthermore, it allows the audience to look at your brand even when they are not thinking about the product.

2. Generate A Conversation Around Your Brand

Conversation Around Your Brand

A strong social media marketing strategy will intend to come up with an efficient conversation about their brand and products. This has to be something eye-catchy for the audience or customers.

Thus, they will receive a great amount of feedback and reviews about their product. All facilitated by social media, fans were having genuine conversations and through this, some more customers will join out of curiosity sometimes.

3. Tell Your Brand’s Story 

Social media is one of the great ways to share your brand’s motives and share stories. Effective stories put a great impact on your brand’s image indeed. 

4. Provide Exceptional Customer Service To Keep Followers Happy

Customers expect companies to fulfil or tackle their requests through social media. A strong investment in customer service through social media can build a healthy relationship between the company and customers.

Via social media, the challenge of customer service remains demanding as social media allows for an immediate connection and instant customer feedback. 

5. It’s FREE and Convenient 

It is free to create social media profiles and post valuable and meaningful content. Brands can promote their business on Facebook for any budget. Facebook also helps direct the ad toward customers. Twitter is no different, it works the same way.


Social media marketing is one of the biggest platforms of all in promoting self through a personal blog or any products of any brand. There are risks indeed of any work to start. This is quite obvious that after a certain time when the product will be at its peak, will face many problems. Like, a website or any social media platform will face this usual platform of too many other alike pages which is of course fake. That would be a big challenge to handle


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