Estimated Reading Time: 26 minute(s)
Whenever someone researches the topic of marketing, a very normal and simple question comes to mind. What are the different types of marketing? For that go to your search engine, type the word marketing, and will get hundreds of types of results. Some will show digital marketing, some will show B2B marketing and the list goes on.
But actually how many are there?
Researchers have been trying to find the answer to this question for so long. But I couldn’t come to a solution to date.
The only reason behind this is that the list is continuously updating. Today if we get 100 types of marketing, tomorrow the number will be 101. Why so? Why isn’t it constant?
Because marketing is such a subject that is totally dependent on innovation. Not scientific innovation. More like innovation in problem-solving techniques. Marketers go through several types of problems every day.
However, the common various types of marketing never change, and still, those work comprehensively. So, We have some essential 36 major types of marketing. Before starting the types of marketing let’s see what is marketing first:
What is Marketing?

Marketing is the process of promoting any products that grab the audience’s attention and convert them into sales for the company. In this process, companies do use various ways to do marketing, including paid advertising, word of mouth, digital marketing, affiliate marketing, traditional marketing, and many more methods to sell their product.
What Are The Different Types of Marketing Concepts?

There are some common types of marketing that everyone should know about.
These are mostly used on a regular basis and we can see their usage around us every day in every sector. Here I have listed such types of marketing with a little description and examples of every type. Let’s begin the journey of discovering the types of marketing.
1. Traditional Marketing
Traditional marketing is a very basic type of marketing. In traditional marketing, any medium can be used. Everything you see that can be considered marketing falls under this category in one way or another. Some common examples can be television commercials, billboards, etc.
2. Above The Line Marketing
Anything of a marketing strategy that can be seen is referred to above the line. Companies promote their products and services to the public, they use billboards, TVCs, email, radio, etc. to reach their customers. Everything can be seen by us. The consumer can realize that the company is doing publicity for their product or service. That is why this is above-the-line marketing.
3. Below The Line Marketing
The name defines itself. This is completely opposite of the above line of marketing. How? Here the companies do not show that they are doing marketing. They do not promote their product or service publically. Neither the consumer understands that the company is doing publicity. Then how does this work?
Let’s take the example of a cigarette company. They do not give ads on television. Once there was a time when Marlboro brought a revolution in the advertising sector in the cigarette sector.
But soon they were banned. No cigarette company can telecast any ad or billboard for their product. Even though we know various kinds of brand names, their features, prices, etc. We get this kind of information from retailers.
Yes. Instead of doing promotions to the customers, companies do it to the retailers. Then retailers do it to us. Thus the companies do their marketing. The process here is unseen and almost no one can see it coming. That is why it is called below-the-line marketing.
4. Push Marketing

Push marketing sometimes can also be referred to as outbound marketing. This includes all kinds of promotional activities like television commercials, print ads, etc.
Why is it called push marketing? Because companies are pushing their products toward the consumers. A customer might not need the product. But the company is pushing it to him. That is why it is called push marketing.
5. Pull Marketing
You can already assume this is the opposite procedure of push marketing. Just like push marketing, it has different names. Some people prefer to call it inbound marketing as it is pulled inside. What do I mean by that?
In pull marketing, companies do not go to customers or push them to buy the product. Rather, the customer goes to the company for the product. I think one thing is clear by now this only happens when customers need something which is very different from push marketing.
How can it be created in a fair way? First, the product or service has to serve the purpose with the best quality in the market.
Then the service provided by the retailers has to be up to mark. Thus the need for any product can be created.
And once it is done, companies do not need to push the product through advertisements. The consumers will automatically go to the company to buy that. That is why this type of marketing is called pull marketing.
6. Word of Mouth Marketing (WOM)
The word of mouth refers to what is being said in the market by the customers about a brand. This is very important for any kind of brand. Because it comes with a free promotion.
People who are loyal to the brand or have benefited by using the product recommend others to buy or use the service.
Thus they do the promotion for the brand. It is one of the most perfect ways of marketing. Customers tend to believe in other customers more than the company. So, when they hear any positive thing about a product they follow it.
Again, any negative publicity can do more harm than anything else to a brand. So, companies need to be very careful about the quality of their product and services.
7. Business-to-Business Marketing (B2B)

The name quite defines itself. This marketing happens between two or more business entities. A partnership can be a common example of this. That way both companies can be benefited. Another real-life experience can be insurance companies.
Suppose they cover insurance for a shop. And in return, the people who have that insurance would get a discount from that shop or anything that gives an upper hand to the insurance company.
As the marketing is happening internally and between two business entities and there is no consumer involved, it is called business-to-business (B2B) marketing.
8. Business-to-Consumer Marketing (B2C)
This name is also self-explanatory. Here customers or consumers are clearly involved. This kind of marketing is dedicated especially to consumers.
Almost every kind of marketing that we experience is an example of business-to-consumer marketing. You can pick up an example of marketing while walking on the road and that would turn out to be business-to-consumer marketing.
9. Brand Marketing
Brand marketing is an exceptional type of marketing but a really important one. Here a brand doesn’t sell any product or service.
Rather the brand sells itself. Brand marketing refers to branding your brand. Making a connection to the target audience is the key to brand marketing.
Through making a connection, the customers become loyal to the brand and it acts as a positive reinforcement for the company. It can be done through storytelling, creativity, humour, motivation, etc.
Before starting brand marketing, a company has to deeply understand its customers. Which factors are the most important in their buyer persona and what resonates with them – the answer to this question has to be kept in mind.
Because the main goal here is to generate discussion and provoke thoughts so that the brand is remembered and associated with positivity.
10. Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is the process of doing marketing through digital platforms. So it can be said that it is the opposite of traditional stereotypical marketing.
It is more based online than offline. It shows us new ways to reach out to the customers which traditional marketing is not capable of.
Today’s world is dependent on technology. As a result, digital marketing is getting more and more famous and impactful. Digital marketing is done through social media, search engines, email, and various kinds of mediums. Every medium is a different type of marketing. Those will be described shortly.
11. Social Media Marketing
The marketing which is done through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn is called social media marketing.
This kind of marketing is a huge part of digital marketing. This is really helpful for small businesses. Again, big brands like Apple, Sony, and Amazon also do social media marketing.
In today’s world, there is almost no one who is not associated with one if not several social media platforms. So, this has become a great platform for getting a huge audience base.
Marketers can reach a large number of targeted audiences through these social media platforms, run ads for targeted audiences, and get benefits. So, this is one of the favourite types of marketing for marketers nowadays.
12. Search Marketing

Have you ever searched on any search engine? Of course yes! Then you must be familiar with search engine marketing or shortly called search marketing.
If you search anything on any search engine, you will get the first 2 or 3 results as ads labelled with it. This is a process of getting your website ranked up on some search engines when certain keywords are searched.
There are two types of Search Engine Marketing (SEM). The first one is SEO or Search Engine Optimization. This helps any website rank up in the list organically.
Another one is Pay Per Click also known as PPC. It helps the sponsored pages to rank up in the list of search engines.
There are plenty of tools that can be used to do this kind of advertising or marketing. Those are called ad management tools. Again there is Google Analytics which will help you to optimize the performance of the website.
13. Content Marketing
Content marketing is a really important part of digital marketing. Again the term is really broad enough to cover some of the traditional marketing. The idea of this kind of marketing is in the name.
You have to create content and do marketing through it. There are various kinds of content that can be published on several websites for publicity.
The contents can be video, audio, infographics, blogs, articles, etc. and these contents can be published on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, different websites, and anywhere on the internet.
The main purpose of content marketing is to let your customer know about the product or service. The main difference between content marketing from any other marketing is that it doesn’t tell a customer to buy the product or service.
Rather it shows how the product or service is of use to the customer. It tells the need and the things that are required to fulfil the need that can be delivered through this product or service. Thus it promotes it. However, having good quality content is really important to do this kind of marketing.
14. Video Marketing
In content marketing, we talked about a certain type of content and that was videos. But the level of popularity and success of video content in the content marketing sector has made it a different sector. This sector is called video marketing.
The idea of video marketing is to create a video as content and publish it on different platforms. It can be any social media platform; it can be YouTube or it can be any website. But the video has to be informative and related to the product that might be of use to a certain demographic of targeted customers.
15. Voice Marketing
Just like video marketing, voice marketing is another component of content marketing. Here instead of video, companies create content based on voice. It can also be called a podcast. And these podcasts are published on several websites; even on YouTube. Some common examples can be Google Home, Alexa, etc which people use in their daily life.
16. Email Marketing

You would have probably guessed what email marketing is by the name. Yes. It is doing marketing through Email.
In this case, the marketing is targeted at a very small yet targeted audience. It involves sending various messages, offers, greetings, and even content through email to potential clients.
Through email marketing, companies mainly keep a healthy relationship with their customers. Every message generally is personalized for every client.
That is why these emails give a humane touch. Clients feel important and they become loyal to the certain company. Thus the company gets benefits.
Another thing that is really associated with email marketing is data analysis. You have to be very selective while sending emails.
As I mentioned before, these messages are crafted in a very personalized way, these cannot be forwarded to thousands of customers.
They are prepared for 300 to 400 customers. So, analyzing previous data and finding out those potential customers or clients is very important. That is why data analysis is so important in the case of email marketing.
17. Native Marketing
This type of marketing is almost like content marketing. But native marketing has a very basic difference from content marketing. In content marketing, the company in the question itself publishes various content for marketing.
But in native marketing, the company will pay a publisher to write an article or a content creator to make content or write an article for them.
Here the content looks like any other content published by the author. Though it promotes a certain product or service.
Here the whole success of the marketing campaign depends on how successful that author or publisher is. If he or she has a big relevant audience base, the content will reach enough people and the native marketing will be successful.
Native marketing can be seen on many news portals, online magazines, and so on. This is becoming a very popular form of marketing nowadays.
18. Influencer Marketing
Answer a question how many influencers or in other words, Facebook celebrities do you follow? Do you trust them? I am sure you do. If they are saying something you at least research it if not believe it right away. Using these influencers for marketing is called influencer marketing.
To get started with influencer marketing, like any other marketing, one company has to identify its target audience. Then it has to find out who they follow the most.
And which influencer is going to affect their decision in buying the most. Once these answers are got, then the company is good to go for influence marketing.
Generally, influencers do this kind of marketing in exchange for a good amount of remuneration. Again this amount also depends on how famous that influencer is on social media.
Nad, How many followers he has also mattered. Then again some influencers need only recognition from various brands. So, all these things have to be kept in mind while doing influencer marketing.
19. Buzz Marketing
The word buzz refers to anything that is popular right now in the media. It might be in social media also. Basically in other words we refer to it as ‘viral’.
The main purpose of this type of marketing is to create creative content which hits the common people well and gets hooked. Once it is done the rest is done by the mass people themselves.
It especially happens on social media platforms. People share that content and create very effective word of mouth. We talked about word-of-mouth marketing before. So, buzz marketing can be called the initiator of word of mouth on social media platforms.
Buzz marketing also has a connection with influencer marketing. Often companies use influencers to create buzz. Thus they also have a role in this buzz marketing which at last leads to word-of-mouth marketing and does a great benefit to the company.
20. Personalized Marketing

Personalized marketing means shaping the brand in its own way of the brand. More like personalizing it in a way that creates a positive impact on the market. The goal is to generate positive discussions and thoughts so that the brand gets remembered.
To do so, like every other marketing type, the first step is understanding the buyer persona. What do the target customers want? How that can be given etc. answers have to be found. After that, creating thoughts and generating discussion are the next steps.
21. Partner Marketing
This is a very common type of marketing. We see the use of this marketing almost every day in our life. If you go to participate in any event, you will see a title partner.
This is often referred to as the ‘X presents Y event’. Here X is any company that is a title partner of another company or event Y. If you are into soccer, you will know there are several partners in every league. The UEFA champions league is also sponsored by several partners.
Now the question is how does this partnership work?
The sponsors give money to the event managing company to use their name in the title or as any other partner. Here both parties benefit. How?
One the event managing company is getting huge loads of money to arrange and organize the event without facing any monetary problems. Again the partner is getting recognition. The bigger the event is the more exposure there will be.
This is a huge opportunity for those partners to get a customer base that is relevant to their product or service and they can also do publicity for those events. Thus partner marketing works and both parties get benefited.
22. Account-Based Marketing (ABM)
ABM or Account-Based Marketing is a bit of a complex idea and it is quite different from other forms of marketing. In account-based marketing, an individual customer is treated as its own market. Marketers do not create content or marketing strategies for the whole market or industry. Rather they focus on every individual that we talked to earlier.
Account-based marketing might seem problematic or hassling in many ways. But there are certain advantages to using this. Here every individual is treated as a market. So, everyone gets special attention.
Thus they become loyal. Again after the marketers have identified potential customers or clients, they can only focus on them. So the attention gets higher day by day. Thus this account-based marketing (ABM) works.
23. Field Marketing
This field of marketing is more of a sales-based thing. It helps in the last stage of the marketing funnel. The marketing funnel has basic three parts.
First, there is awareness, second comes consideration and lastly conversion. Field marketing works in the last sector which means in the conversion phase.
What happens in the conversion phase?
In this phase, the customers need one last push to buy the product. The sales team does that thing. They motivate or persuade the customer to buy it.
Then why is it called field marketing? Because it is done at the field level. The sales team has to go door to door to lock the deal.
There is no easy or right way to do this job. The process is correct as long as it brings profit to the company. It must include any marketing plan to get the highest benefit.
24. Cause Marketing

It is considered that every corporate company has something to do for the betterment of society. They control the market, give the highest tax and they must do something for society.
This is a common rule for any corporation out there. Keeping this thing in mind, there comes a new marketing firm which is called cause marketing.
By promoting and supporting charitable causes, companies do their part for the betterment of society. Thus their names get promoted. Their brand awareness gets higher. But before doing cause marketing, some issues must be considered.
First comes the fact that the cause any company is supporting must be relevant to the company’s mission and vision. Then comes the transparency of the process. There should not be any controversy regarding the activities of the company.
If there is any controversy created, then the whole process would be lost and negativity will increase which no one wants. At last, comes the fact that the project or activity must be really dedicated to the betterment of society.
It must really fulfil the cause in question. It should not look like an act of marketing. Thus Cause Marketing can create brand awareness.
25. Persuasive Marketing
The name mostly clears everything. This is the marketing that is done for persuading people. This focuses more on the emotions of the customers to persuade them to be a client rather than focusing on facts.
The brand tries to trigger emotions and associate them with the brand. Thus customers get hooked on the brand, they feel empowered and important. This is how persuasive marketing works.
26. Informative Marketing
Informative marketing is kind of the opposite of persuasive marketing. In persuasive marketing, companies focus on the emotions of the customers rather than facts. But in informative marketing, companies focus on the facts rather than the emotions of the customers.
This type of marketing attracts those customers who are more likely to believe factual data rather than lucrative emotion-supporting words. Companies tell facts about their product or service to prove their effectiveness and efficiency.
Thus they attract customers. These techniques and facts must be framed in a compelling way to persuade customers to make the conversion decision. Informative marketing is a really effective form of marketing.
27. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing can be referred to as using one platform holder to increase sales of another platform holder. For example, let’s assume an online retailer is giving rewards to a website with a fair share of commission for each customer they send through their promotion of one of the online retailers’ products.
The website will only get paid when the promotion leads to a sale. Without generating sales, this process does not work.
This form of marketing works for those who have a website ready. That generates enough traffic to do business with. Again it might work for those who have a good amount of followers on social media.
The main takeaway is there must be an audience to do business with. No matter what the platform is. This is how affiliate marketing works.
28. Contextual Marketing

We all are familiar with contextual marketing. This is a form of greater digital marketing. Here browsing history and patterns of various websites and social media platforms are taken into consideration.
Then there comes targeting according to that. After targeting the perfect audience, ads are run to attract them.
You might have real-life experience with it. Ever happened to just watch a food review video on YouTube and now after sometimes you are watching an ad for a food delivery system isn’t it?
If yes, then you have experienced contextual marketing. This kind of marketing is really effective as in most cases the process is really fast. It is supposed that the ad has reached the targeted customer before he has logged out of his account.
As a result, this affects the customer’s decision-making process and guides him to make a decision in the brand’s favour. This form of marketing is now being used every now and then.
29. Conversational Marketing
A general conversation usually means talking to someone alone. It is generally more personal. Here the speaker is one and the listener is also one. So the conversation is basically 1:1.
Doing marketing through this kind of conversation is called conversational marketing. This can be described as live chat.
This conversational marketing can be done through various channels. It can be a phone call, messaging, email thread, etc.
However, at first, the marketer has to find out which channel the audience is mostly on. Then they need to convince the audience or the customer to give the marketer some time for the conversation.
Here many issues can occur like time loss and productivity loss. But the marketer has to be patient as these clients are really potential. So, this type of marketing can be proven very effective depending on the situation.
30. Conversion Rate Marketing
The conversion rate refers to converting potential customers into revenues. Money or revenue is the main judging criterion here.
The most important advantage of conversion marketing is that conversion marketing gives us a really clear and honest picture of the profit or loss of the marketing campaigns if not the whole company.
The conversion rate marketing is a part of another broader marketing form which is digital or online marketing. In online marketing, the Pay Per Click or PPC strategy works only when those clicks are converted into sales.
Conversion rate is also highly related to ROI or Return On Investment. Return On Investment calculates the profit of any campaign created online. This Return On Investment also depends on the conversion rate. So conversion rate marketing is a really important part of greater digital marketing.
31. Acquisition Marketing
Acquisition marketing can sometimes be considered marketing. How? We have known till now that there are hundreds of forms of marketing. So some of them work on generating leads while some of them focus on creating brand awareness.
However, there needs to be something that can control all these types of marketing which are applied by a company for a certain period of time.
Here comes the idea of acquisition marketing. It is mainly a controlling or monitoring sector of other marketing strategies, tactics, or actions. The ultimate focus of acquisition marketing is acquiring customers.
Be that through brand awareness or through lead generation campaigns. That is why acquisition marketing focuses on every other form of marketing strategy that is applied by the company and works on turning those strategies into results that ultimately earn revenue. Thus acquisition marketing works.
32. Agile Marketing

The word agile refers to something that is not fixed. Rather it is flexible and can be changed when needed for the betterment of the process. Agile marketing is such a kind of marketing where there is no rigid plan. The strategies or tactics are changeable.
Then how does agile marketing work? This kind of marketing is mostly used in the creative field of work. Where people need freedom. Where nothing is prefixed. In those cases, agile marketing works.
33. Ambush Marketing
We all are familiar with the word ambush. It means attacking someone with all the power. It refers to something that is very harsh. No ambush marketing is also something like that.
When any company attacks another company’s marketing plan to get into that position, it can be called ambush marketing.
An example can be like this: suppose an event already has a sponsor. But another company thinks that it needs to be that sponsor and then they offer that event manager a better deal. Here the latter company is doing ambush marketing.
It is attacking the marketing plan of the first company. Sometimes ethics can come in the way of ambush marketing. However, we cannot judge any marketing strategy taken by any company.
34. Behavioral Marketing
Behavioural marketing falls under the broader digital or online marketing criteria. Here marketing is totally dependent on the behavioural patterns of the customers. Marketers need to analyze the behavioural pattern of a certain type of demographic of the customer base.
Marketers need to know when a customer clicks on a link when he or downloads something, and what factors trigger the customer to do these – all these have to be monitored by the company to judge or find the pattern in the behaviour of any customer.
Once the answers are found, the pattern is detected, and then they can be segmented and targeted separately. Then strategies can be differentiated for every segment. Thus behavioural marketing works.
35. Cultural Marketing

In cultural marketing, marketers target a small culture-based customer. Cultural marketing is for a very specific group of people who can be convinced through cultural feelings.
Cultural marketing is also known as diversity marketing, multicultural marketing, or ethnic marketing. This cultural marketing works really well when it is time for any special cultural event.
It can be something like national culture or religious culture. But this kind of marketing works really effectively in those crucial business periods.
36. Re-Marketing
This is a very crucial part of digital marketing. However, it can be used on both online and offline platforms. The name explains itself quite clearly. We are just doing the same marketing again. But how?
In re-marketing, the marketers have to find out those customers who almost made the decision to buy something from us but they did not buy it at the last stage.
Again, the customers who have once purchased from us can also be targeted as potential customers of this kind of marketing.
Once the customer group is selected, then the marketers have to reach out to them through ads or any other methods to convince them to make that purchase that they left at the last stage.
The main purpose of remarketing is that it is considered that the stated group of customers are a very potential one to buy the product that they once intended to buy. That is why this remarketing is considered so important. Thus remarketing works.
through the 36 types of marking give the answer to what types of marketing concepts. Here I have tried to make a list of different kinds of marketing that are used in our day-to-day life and everyone should have a basic knowledge of those types. But remember, types of marketing are not limited to only these. Day by day the list is updating. Hope this update will continue for our betterment.